Saturday, January 7, 2012


On Boxing Day we flew to Timmins, a city in Northern Ontario and the home town of our dear friends Matt and Renelle. Timmins reminded us of Kauhajoki, a small town with lots of forest and a river flowing through it. The population in Timmins is approximately 45.000 and the main industry is mining. Back in the days a lot of Finnish people moved to Timmins and still there is a huge population of second and third generation Finns. Timmins is also known as the home town of Shania Twain and she even has her own museum there.

We met some lovely people during our week, a lot of Matt's and Renelle's family and friends. Renelle's mom took us one day out for a walk on the trails. It was really cold that day, freezing -26C, but we were used to those temperatures and loved being in the snow. New Years Eve we celebrated with their friends at the French cultural center. The new year started with a 4 km walk home after the party, since there were no cabs available. We had a great week and we are definitely visiting Timmins again in the summer.

A random dog also wanted to be on the picture

The coffee shop at the McIntyre hockey rink

Poutine: French fries with gravy and cheese

Happy New Year 2012!


  1. Tuo Poutin on muuten salakavalan hyvää! Se näyttää niin ällöltä jotenkin mutta muhun ainakin uppos baari-illan jälkeen ;) Hih! Saatte sitte viedä mut johonkin teidän lähis snägärille!

  2. Juu, vaikkei kuullosta hirveän hyvältä, kyllä se vaan parasta yö-ruokaa on. Lisää vielä vähän vinegaria ja täydellinen snack :) Mulla on tuhansia paikkoja jonne sua pitäisi viedä... kantsii aloittaa laihdutuskuurin ennen sitä ;)
