Now that I work at the Consulate General, I also had the opportunity to celebrate the queen's birthday again. In Finland usually on the 30th of April, we have been partying because of Labour Day celebrations on the 1st of May and I haven't been celebrating Queen's Day for a while.
Queen's Day is a very patriotic festivity in the Netherlands, where everyone dresses in orange. To continue this tradition I wore an orange dress to our Queen's Day reception.
Me and my colleague Miranda |
The Consul General and his wife had invited approximately 250 people from the Dutch and Canadian society. The reception was held at the prestige National Club in downtown Toronto.
We sung the Dutch and the Canadian anthem and we got to taste real Dutch 'bitterballen' and Gouda cheese.
Bitterballen and Gouda cheese |
In previous years the Queen's birthday has been celebrated with huge parties, but because of financial savings, this is not possible anymore. Anyhow, it was nice to feel a bit Dutch again and to meet all these Dutch-Canadian people.
ReplyDeletevahingossa ajauduin lukemaan blogianne. Olen myös muuttanut Suomesta Torontoon perheeni kanssa viime kesänä ja kun katselin karttaa niin asumme vieläpä melko lähellä teitä:) Maailma on pieni, ehkä törmäämme joskus lähikaduilla!
Hei, sori olen tosiaan ollut vahan kiireinen ja huomasin kommenttisi vasta nyt. Kiva kuulla etta taalla on muitakin suomalaisia. Jos sua kiinnostaa niin laita sahkopostia ja voidaan vaikka joskus tavata. Tiedan yhden toisenkin suomalaisen tyton jota en ole viela ehtinyt tavata.